Open House

Welcome to the Open House at Stockholm Film School. On March 16 at 16.00-18.00 we open the doors to the school.

There will be information, snacks, a tour and of course space to ask questions. Choose how you want to participate; either on site here at Karusellplan 11 in Hägersten or digitally via a link. Please note that if you participate via link it is only between 16.15 until after the tour of the school is completed.

Register for the Open House and in which way you want to participate here.

16.00 Welcome to the school. We offer snacks.

16.15 Principal Anders Rune presents the school and answers questions.

17.00 Viewing of the school premises.

17.15 Meet teachers at the school.

18.00 Thank you for visiting. Welcome to Stockholm Film School!