Learn how to make film during a ten week intensive evening course. Film 10 Weeks teaches you the basics of the different disciplines – scriptwriting, direction, cinematography, sound, editing and production.

You who have started to take the first serious steps towards filmmaking surely know how difficult it is to move on to a higher level on your own. Filmmaking is a collaborative process. You need knowledge, practice and you need a network of like-minded people if you want to improve.

Name of education: Film 10 Weeks

Level: Intensive course

Study hours: Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 pm – 9 pm and shooting days

Extent: 10 weeks, 60-80 hours

Course starts: 16 February 2026

Course certificate: Upon completion of course, the participant 
receives a course certificate

Course fee: 29.000 SEK

Student aid (CSN): No

Language: English

The course teaches you the basics of all areas needed for a film to be made: scriptwriting, direction, cinematography, sound, editing and production.

  • The course gives you training in scriptwriting and teaches the basics of drama and short film dramaturgy.
  • You get to practice personal instruction, stage design and conversion of a script into a film.
  • You learn the basics of cinematography, composition, camera functions and lighting.
  • You will learn how to handle lamps, filters and camera equipment and plan a shooting visually.
  • The course teaches you to assess a recording location based on the sound engineer’s work.
  • You go through audio recording equipment and how to handle and select the right microphone.
  • The basics of post-production.

The students produces several short films during the course.

The course is for you who want to immerse yourself in the knowledge you already have and want to create films supervised by professional filmmakers and get a network of film colleagues with the same goal, to one day be part of the film industry.

As the course takes place in the evening, it is suitable for you who want to be able to combine a great learning experience with work. The course is for you who want to create film during ten intensive weeks, talk about film, discuss film and realize your own and others’ cinematic ideas.

Anmälan Film 10 w Eng

Submit your application here!

We will send you a confirmation to your e-mail address

Any questions about FILM 10 weeks? Get in touch!


After attending a one-year film program at another school, I felt that that education was not enough to move on. Then I started looking for good schools and educations in film, and since I am a person who wants to learn through practice and preferably for a shorter time, FILM-10 WEEKS suited me perfectly.
I started at Stockholm Film School and it was exactly what I was looking for and that suited me best. I have met wonderful teachers as well as fellow students whom
I still have contact with and write and make short films and art films together. I have never regretted my decision. Stockholm Film School and Intenzio were for me the best choice among all film education.
If you are thinking about starting a film education, I highly recommend Stockholm Film School.

Azita Nia, filmmaker

I was 64 when I studied FILM -10 WEEKS in 2016, and started without any previous experience or knowledge of filmmaking. Intenzio is a very ambitious introduction to film production and the film industry. You learn the entire chain from script writing to post production. To get the maximum out of this short and very intensive course offered by Stockholm Film School, I needed a 100% commitment of days, evenings and weekends. It was a lot of hard work but incredibly instructive. All teachers were very experienced in their respective fields, which resulted in lessons, tutoring and all feedback being terrific.
After the course, it was no problem for me to take on assignments as a photographer and to handle sound and light as well as participate in castings and film preparations. So far, I have filmed and cut two pilots into upcoming feature films, three documentaries and a number of short films for companies and associations’ websites. I can honestly recommend Intenzio to anyone who is interested in film production and is ready to spend the time required for this intensive course.

Lars af Sillén, former officer, now artist and filmmaker

The name ‘Intenzio’ (FILM – 10 WEEKS) definitely how the course feels as it really is an intense course in its true sense. This means, of course, that it is a very demanding course at the same time.
But with that being said, it is also a very rewarding course that in a very short time succeeds in giving a taste of most parts of a film production, both creative and the practical. From the very beginning, it is a focus on learning by doing and although it can sometimes feel like being thrown into the deep part of the pool without being able to swim, the teachers are there to guide you.
Since Intenzio focuses on getting the students to do things themselves, the course will probably also depend on how much time you invest in it, but if you can, you have actually made your first short film when the course is over. For me, I needed to recover for a week after the course, but at the same time was hungry for more.

Johannes Ledel, journalist and filmmaker


Take a peek at what it looks like on set while our students are shooting film.
Click on the images to see a short video.