Listen to what our students have to say about the school. Take a look behind the camera and see what it looks like on set.
Martino is a student on the International Film Program. Here he talks a bit about the education, why he wanted to study film in Sweden and what´s been challenging for him.
Isabelle is a student on the International Film Program. Here she talks a bit about the education, why she wanted to study film in Sweden and what has been the biggest surprise for her.
Vera berättar om sina upplevelser av skolan, lärare och att samarbeta med andra elever.
Behind the scenes – shooting STILLA NATT (Praktisk Filmutbildning 2)
Behind the scenes – shooting PARALLELUM (International Film Production Programme)
Behind the scenes – shooting SKRINET (Praktisk Filmutbildning 2)
Behind the scenes – shooting MAILBOX on 16 mm (International Film Production)
Måns Axell
Måns is a student on the International Film Production Programme. Here he talks about what is the best thing with the programme, what was the biggest surprise and what he’ll be doing in five years from now.
Mingxuan Cai
Cai is a student on the International Film Production Programme. Listen to what he has to say about the Swedish lifestyle, why he chose to come here, and what he likes the most about the programme.
Stefán Atli Sigtryggsson
Stefán is a student on the International Film Production Programme. Listen to what he has to say about the education, about trying on different roles in film production and how it has been settling in in Sweden!
Lorenzo Follari
Lorenzo is a student on the International Film Production Programme. Here he talks a bit about the education, why he wanted to study film in Sweden and what he will be doing in five years from now.
Omar El Dallal
Omar is a student on the International Film Production Programme. Listen to what he has to say about the education, and why a network of likeminded creatives is so important.
Georg Schierbeck
Georg Schierbeck, student på Praktisk Filmutbildning 2, 2019/2020
Mathias Martinsson Filén
Mathias Martinsson Filén, student på Praktisk Filmutbildning 1 2019/2020
Amanda Edelönn
Amanda Edelönn, student på Praktisk Filmutbildning 1, 2019/2020
Elvira Lauthers
Elvira Lauthers, student på Praktisk Filmutbildning 1 2019/2020